




上海艺培模型有限公司,是一家从事房地产销售模型制作、城市规划沙盘模型制作、工机械设备模型制作、投标方案模型制作、礼品模型制作、多媒体互动电子投影沙盘制作等,用独特的表现方法让客户满意,公司有内勇于进取、锐意、团结奋进的高水平的模型制作团队,而且还拥有完善的经营管理体制,强化内部管理,以职员工的技术水平和管理能力。注重“以产品赢得客户信赖,以技术赢得客户的信心,以服务赢得客户满意,以诚心赢得客户好感”。“品、准交期、全员参与、客户满意”是全体艺培人的理念宗旨。 上海艺培奉行“诚信服务”为准则,从宏远中立长志,于细微处见精神,本着“做工精细、品越、价格公道、交货及时”的宗旨为客户服务,将设计理念与技术融合成一个整体,为您演绎出一个个形象逼真的微缩!     


固定电话:021-61535825 手机号码:15921202166 在线QQ:158573809





Company profile Shanghai art culture model

Shanghai art culture model co., LTD., is specialized is engaged in real estate sales model, urban planning, s table model, model of industrial machinery equipment production, the production of bidding scheme model, model of gift production, the production of multimedia interactive electronic projection s table, etc., with the perfmance of the unique approach to customer satisfaction, the company has the courage to progress, innovation, unity model of a high level of production team, but also has perfect management system, continuously strengthening internal management, to improve the skill level of all employees management ability. Attention to product quality to win customer trust, "win the confidence of the customer with technology, with services to win customer satisfaction, win customers with sincere affection". "Excellent quality, accurate delivery, full participation, customer satisfaction" is the aim of all the culture arts idea. Shanghai art pursues "the good faith is supreme" as the criterion, long, from among the tigers see spirit in fine point, in line with "fine wkmanship, superi quality, reasonable price, timely delivery" principle f customer service, design concepts advanced technology integration into a whole, deduce one image vivid miniature wld f you!     

In addition we can accding to customers specific needs, combined with field investigation, model making custom-made solutions f our customers. In the model project approval from the customer, art culture model professional production team will be in the provisions of the contract period, complete the model, delivery to the site of the customers requirements. Our service team will be in the warranty period of the product, model of customer maintenance maintenance, to ensure high quality of the model display function.

Fixed telephone: 021-61535825 mobile number: 15921202166 online QQ: 158573809

Company website:




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  • 联系人:孙阜阳
  • 电话:021-61535825
  • 传真:021-61535825
  • 微信号:15921202166
  • 手机:15921202166
  • 邮箱:158573809@qq.com
  • Q Q:158573809
  • 网址:https://24109182.m.1024sj.com/
  • 邮编:200438
  • 地址:上海嘉定区新和路489号艺培模型公司
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